Some might assume that their reviews are disappearing because they don’t advertise specifically with Yelp, but this is not the case. Review is from a location outside where the business is located.

Review is too strongly slanted positively or negatively.Review is short or lacking basic detail.Review from someone with only one prior written review.Review from someone with no profile information.There are five primary factors which may influence the Yelp Filter: Approved reviews are listed in the “Recommended” section, which is easier to view on the page, while non-approved reviews are posted in the “not currently recommended” link, which is at the bottom of pages and tougher to find. The filter uses several complex factors in this process, and updates daily. Reviews are interesting and add value to the community.There are two primary goals of the filter: This is an algorithm designed to remove fake or low-quality reviews, and it’s said to filter about 25 percent of all reviews. If you notice reviews disappearing from your site, it’s likely they’ve been caught by the Yelp Filter. At the same time, Yelp reviews can disappear, even if they’re positive – why does this happen? Let’s look at the reasons why reviews may disappear, and what you can do to help get you traffic from Yelp. Yelp reviews are one of the best ways to get an objective opinion on your online marketing site, and if you provide the services you say at the quality you claim, they’ll turn into a fantastic way to organically increase your views and conversions. This makes impartial information on the product or services vital, and Yelp reviews are one great example. Browsers of a website for a given service inherently understand that the people who run said business will be biased in their presentation – they’ll want to emphasize positives and downplay negatives, naturally. Assess the problem with a clear head, follow the steps discussed above, and reach out to an online reputation management agency like Practice Builders if you feel overwhelmed.Within the internet marketing sphere, unbiased opinions are important. Make sure not to follow the same approach that your malicious reviewers followed. Since negative reviews can impact your bottom line, it’s important to counter them. In the comments section, describe the exact Yelp rule the review violates, including the specific word or language in the review that violates the policy. If the Yelp team decides not to remove the review, consider sending a questionable content report to Yelp’s customer support to reconsider their decision. Step #3: Provide as much detail and reasoning possible to Yelp team: Yelp will only remove a review if you can prove that it violates Yelp’s review guidelines. However, mere reporting will not result in removal. If the review is a personal attack on you or a staff member based on race, disability, ethnicity, or religion, you can have it removed. Often, people cannot get an unfavorable review removed unless it is an exact violation of Yelp’s guidelines, Terms and Conditions. You will need to provide evidence supporting your removal request. Step #2: Choose a reason why this review should be removed: Choose the reason for removal. Step #1: Report the objectionable review to Yelp: Go to the review that you choose to remove, click the “flag” icon at the bottom of the review. If you cannot convince the reviewer to delete or modify the objectionable review, follow these three steps to eliminate unfavorable reviews on Yelp. This may not always be possible but should be your first step to get a negative review removed. The easiest way to get a Yelp review removed is to have the reviewer remove it. Patient reviews on platforms like Yelp can make or break your reputation. Removing negative reviews on a popular site like Yelp, is something every healthcare owner and marketer should take seriously.